Number of visits to exceeds 104 000 in December 2017


In the period between February and December of 2017, the number of visits to the Unified Website for Publication of Legal Acts — — exceeded 274 000, 104 934 of which visited in December.

Last year, the number of drafts posted on the website by state authorities exceeded 600, 25 of which are currently in the stage of public discussion, and the number of permanent users of the website reached more than 10 000. It is worth mentioning that recommendations for draft legal acts via website are very often submitted by judges, heads of chair of higher education institutions, lecturers, lawyers, students, representatives from the civil society, which attests to the fact that the website serves its purpose.

Let us remind you that the website ensures not only the possibility for state authorities to present draft legal acts to the public and to hold public discussions online, but also the active participation of the civil society in law-making activities.

The website provides citizens with the opportunity to get acquainted with the posted drafts, their rationales and other appended documents, and in case of registering on the website to also present recommendations, get acquainted with the executive summary of recommendations regarding the drafts, the recommendations accepted or the justifications for not accepting them. Creation of such a possibility ensures participation of the public in the law-making process; moreover, participation of the public has a direct effect in developing a policy implemented by the State in different areas.

The Ministry of Justice attaches importance to the active participation of representatives from the civil society and the business sector in the activities for the development of draft legal acts.